Last Man Standing Personal Training in West Bend and surrounding areas, Washington, Wisconsin

Business Listings West Bend and surrounding areas, Washington, Wisconsin
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Hi, first, I think it's a good idea to tell you a little about myself and my background. I'm from Cedarburg, Wi. I was raised there and have lived there most of my life. I have recently moved to West Bend. I'm 35 years old and I like to describe myself as a simple, optimistic, self motivated, honest, practical, what you see is what you get, dive right in and grab life by the horns type of guy. I practice what I preach and I think I have a good personality. I have lots of friends and like meeting new people. I've been working out pretty much since I was twelve years old when I started wrestling and playing football. My passion in life is really staying healthy and working out because I believe great health is achieved through both diet and exercise and it's great to do and it really pays off both for the mind and body. I take my health very seriously and I want to help people get into shape and spread my knowledge from 20+ years of experience so I became a personal trainer.

Are you looking to get into shape, tighten up, get stronger, loose that excess body fat, but not sure where or how to start? Do you want to look good and be happy? Are you looking to create a lifestyle change, not a diet (implies temporary), a LIFESTYLE? Do you have trouble getting and staying motivated? If so, you need a personal trainer to steer you in the right direction, evaluate your lifestyle and set up a program that will work for you to get you the results you are looking for. It's ok if you've never worked out a day in your life. It's ok if you have past injuries. It's ok if your fat. It does not matter what age you are. I don't judge. That's why I'm here. Today could be your first day on your way to looking and feeling great.

I've been doing this for a long time so I know what works and what doesn't. Everyone is different so we will work one on one and set up a custom program to match your goals to get you the results you want. When it comes to diet and exercise I know how to steer you in the right direction. I know the ins and outs of strength training and cardio and am in touch with the science of how these things work. I have extensive knowledge of fitness equipment. I really know enough to overwhelm and bore just about anyone so we will take baby steps to get you on the right path.

Call me if you want to live the lifestyle and be the Last Man Standing (or woman) after everyone else is dead and gone because of their poor lifestyle choices.

I pretty much work out of the West Bend and surrounding areas. You can come work out at my place or at the gym if you have a membership or I can come to your place if you have a good setup. I have a good setup at my place. $250 a month or $30 a session. Monthly fee covers 12 sessions so usually that would be three a week. If you pay the $250 and want more than 12 sessions I could probably throw a few extra in for free but it will depend on how busy I am. I'm a fair person. Also, I will do my best to beat anyone's advertised price. Call me and lets meet up. If you give me a chance I promise I will not disappoint you. I look foreword to meeting you.

Your call is very important to me and I will call you back as soon as possible. I take all my own calls and schedule my own appointments so I tend to get busy. If you expect a call back, call me and leave a message with your phone number and the reason for your call. I will not respond to text messages. 262-573-7491. Thanks for reading.

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Listing id 3057
Post date March 10, 2015 9:47 PM
Result 0 votes
John Smith
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